Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Views Report from YOUTUBE

Views Report from YOUTUBE

oleh riEariEriE pada 16 Agustus 2012 pukul 7:57 ·

Top 10 videos Browse all videos

1. Bunda by Melly Goeslow (rie).wmv 
805 (views)|3 (likes)|1(Comments)

2. Masih Ada by 2D (Dian Pramana Putra & Deddy Dhukun) (rie) 
485 (views) |2 (likes)|3(Comments)

3. Sendiri by Tere (rie) 

      312 (views)|3 (likes)|1(Comments)

4. Jumpa Kamu by KLa Project 
219 (views)|4 (likes)|3(Comments)

5. Kau dan Aku Satu by Keenan Nasution (rie).av
109 (views)|1 (likes) | 0

6. ATAME by BrauKoenig (rie) 
 100 (views)| 1 (likes)| 1(Comments)

7. Rek Ayo Rek by Agus (pengamen jalanan).wmv 
 97 (views)| 0 | 0

8. Fly Away by Peter Allen (rie).wm

9. Ain't No Sunshine by Max Ridgway (rie) 
82(views)|3 (likes)| 2 (Comments)

10. Setulus Hatimu, Semurni Cintamu by Arie Koesmiran (rie)
 79(views)|0 | 0

     Demographics Top geographies

New Zealand
United States

Gender :Male_24.6% and Female_75,4%

This morning I went to the Youtube account riEriEriE  and found several reports, which started just for fun turned out particularly well received by musicians across 3 continents they are Axel Weiss (Germany), Max Ridgway (USA) and Kemal Klaus Koenig (Germany). This is only the arena of creativity to make video (animation) is not truth but the video into a fun job and my passion.

 Thank you for my friends who give attention and concern, suggestions and criticism.

Thanks for everything